Paul De Grauwe


Paul De Grauwe is the John Paulson Chair in European Political Economy at the European Institute of the London School of Economics (LSE).

He has written about the political economy of the Eurozone and the economics of exchange rates. (You can find his latest books here & here.)

He currently teaches a course on the political economy of European monetary integration at the LSE.

He was a Senator of the Belgian Parliament from 1991 - 1995, a Member of the House of the Belgian Parliament from 1995 - 1999, and a Senator & Chairman of the Economic and Finance Committee of the Belgian Parliament from 1999 - 2003.

He speaks Dutch, German, French, and English.

Lectures & Interviews



Ukkel, Belgium


PhD Economics, Johns Hopkins University

Licentiaat-Doctorandus Economics, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven


John Paulson Chair in European Political Economy, European Institute, London School of Economics (2016 - present)


International Economics

Monetary Economics


European Integration and the Eurozone

Exchange Rates


Senator, Belgian Parliament, 1991 - 1995

Member of the House, Belgian Parliament, 1995 - 1999

Senator & Chairman of the Economic and Finance Committee, Belgian Parliament, 1999 - 2003


1. Speciale trekkingsrechten : arme landen te weinig, De Financiële Economische Tijd, 1970.

2. Determinanten van de exportprestatie van België en Nederland, Tijdschrift voor Economie, 1971.

3. Regionale inkomens- en prijselasticiteiten van de Belgische buitenlandse handel, Economisch Statistische Berichten, 2829, 1971.

4. Regionale inkomens- en prijselasticiteiten van de Belgische buitenlandse handel - Naschrift, Economisch Statistische Berichten, 2863, 1972.

5. A Cross-Section Model of Economic Growth : Comment, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 1972.

6. Monetary Interdependence in Europe under Fixed and Flexible Exchange Rates, Tijdschrift voor Economie, 4, 1974.

7. The Interaction of Monetary Policies in a Group of European Countries, Journal of International Economics, 5, p. 207-228, 1975.

8. International Capital Flows and Portfolio Equilibrium : Comment, Journal of Political Economy, 83, p. 1077-1080, 1975.

9. The Development of the Euro-Currency Market, Finance and Development, 3, 1975.

10. Conditions for Monetary Integration. A Geometric Interpretation, Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, 111, p. 634- 646, 1975.

11. De olieëxporterende landen en ontwikkelingshulp, Intermediair, 18, 1975.

12. Vers une relance de l'Union Monétaire Europèenne, Textes et Documents, 1975 (co-author with D. Heremans, E. Van Rompuy).

13. Monetary Interdependence and International Monetary Reform. A European Case Study, Saxon House, D.C. Heath Ltd., London, 1976.

14. The Oil Prize Increase, Stabilization Policies and Less Developed Countries, in : D. Leipziger, The International Monetary System and the Developing Countries, 1976.

15. Monetary Interdependence among Major European Countries, in : Aliber, The Political Economy of Monetary Reform, 1976.

16. The Belgian Dual Exchange Market System : An Inequitable and Ineffective System, Kredit und Kapital, Heft 3, p. 389-402, 1976.

17. De recente inflatie : Een structureel of monetair fenomeen, Leuvense Economische Standpunten, 2, 1976 (co-author with T. Peeters).

18. De wisselkoers en structuurproblemen in België gedurende 1970-1976, Tijdschrift voor Economie en Management, 1, p. 107-120, 1977.

19. Korporatisme en werkloosheid, Leuvense Economische Standpunten, 4, 1977.

20. Bedenkingen over Industrieel Beleid, Tijdschrift voor Economie en Management, 4, 1977. 5

21. Vicious and Virtuous Circles. A Theoretical Analysis and a Policy Proposal for Managing Exchange Rates, European Economic Review, V.X, 3, 1977 (co-author with G. Basevi).

22. State Interventions and the Economic Crisis in Europe, Toyo Keizai Shinposha (The Oriental Economist), 1978.

23. Monetary Policy and the Exchange Rate, Monetary Policies in Open Economies, SUERF Series, 19A, 1978.

24. Vicious and Virtuous Circles and the Optica-Proposal : A Two-Country Analysis, in : M. Fratianni and T. Peeters, One Money for Europe, 1978 (co-author with G. Basevi).

25. On the Effectiveness of a devaluation in the E.C.-Countries, Tijdschrif voor Economie en Management, 1, 1978 (co-author with C. Holvoet).

26. Trade Expansion with the Less Developed Countries and Employment. A Case Study of Belgium, Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, Band 115, 1, 1979 (co-author with W. Kennis, T. Peeters and R. Van Straelen).

27. The 1978 Annual Report of the B.I.S. or the Economics of International Fine Tuning, Journal of Monetary Economics, 1979.

28. The EMS, Europe and the Dollar, The Banker, 1979 (co-author with T. Peeters).

29. Het Europees Muntstelsel. Een stap naar monetaire stabiliteit ?, Bank- en Financiewezen, 1, 1979 (coauthor with T. Peeters).

30. Arbeidsduurvermindering en Tewerkstelling, Leuvense Economische Standpunten, 13, 1979.

31. Salaires, Emploi et Durée de Travail, Récherches Economiques de Louvain, 1979.

32. The Dynamics of Intervention in Foreign Exchange Markets, Kredit und Kapital, 6, 1980 (co-author with G. Basevi, A. Steinherr).

33. Financial Policies in the Industrialized Countries and the Volatility of Exchange Rates, Kredit und Kapital, 6, 1980.

34. Le Taux de Change, l'Emploi et la Banque Nationale, La Revue Nouvelle, 2, 1980.

35. Aspecten van de economische achteruitgang van Wallonië, Tijdschrift voor Economie en Management, 2, 1980.

36. Monetary Policies and the Exchange Rates in the E.C.-Countries, European Economic Review, 13, 1980.

37. Policy-Induced Rigidities in the Market Economies, International Chamber of Commerce, Paris, 1980.

38. Integrating Capital Markets in the E.C.-Countries, Problems and Prospects, Thema, Inst. Bancario San Paolo di Torino, 1980.

39. Symptomen van een overgewaardeerde munt. De Belgische frank gedurende de tweede helft der zeventiger jaren, Tijdschrift voor Economie en Management, 3, 1980.

40. De wisselkoers, het budget en de lopende rekening, Tijdschrift voor Economie en Management, 3, 1980 (co-author with M. De Wachter).

41. Versus the G.A.T.T. on the Source of Inflation, The World Economy, 2, 1981. 6

42. Overheidsparticipaties, Economisch Statistische Berichten, 1981.

43. Economie en Politiek, Tijdschrift voor Economie en Management, 4, 1981.

44. Loonkosten, energiekosten en kapitaalkosten. België gedurende 1970-1980, Leuvense Economische Standpunten, nr. 22, 1981.

45. Capital Movements, Financial Integration and the EMS, Giornale degli Economisti e Annali di Economia, 9-12, 1981.

46. Foreign Exchange Market Intervention using an ECU-indicator, in : M. Sumner and G. Zis, European Monetary Union, 1982 (co-author with P. Van den Bergh).

47. Alternative Intervention Rules in the Exchange Markets of the European Monetary System, in : R. Batchelor, G. Wood, Exchange Rate Policy, 1982 (co-author with P. Van den Bergh).

48. Monetair Beleid : Kwalitatief en Kwantitatief, Bank- en Financiewezen, 5, 1982.

49. Exporterende Belgische en Nederlandse ondernemingen te weinig naar verre landen, Economische Statistische Berichten, 1982.

50. The Exchange Rate in a Portfolio Balance Model with a Banking Sector, Journal of International Money and Finance, 1, p. 225-239, 1982.

51. Exchange Rate Oscillations and Catastrophe Theory, in : E. Claassen, P. Salin, Recent Issues in the Theory of Flexible Exchange Rates, 1983.

52. De Belgische prijzenreglementering en de inflatie (1950-1981), Maandschrift Economie, 47, p. 292-298, 1983.

53. Symptoms of an Overvalued Currency, in : M. De Cecco, International Economic Adjustment, 1983.

54. Tarifering en rendabiliteit van de zichtrekeningen in de Belgische financiële sector, Bank- en Financiewezen, 1, 1983.

55. Macroeconomic Theory for the Open Economy, Gower, Aldershot, pp. 319, 1983.

56. Exchange Rates in Multicountry Econometric Models, MacMillan, London, 1983 (co-author with T. Peeters).

57. Linkse en Rechtse Gezondheidsindicatoren van de Belgische Economie, Leuvense Economische Standpunten, nr. 26, 1983.

58. US Economic Policies : Are they a Burden to the Rest of US ?, The Banker, London, V12, 3, 1983.

59. What Are the Scope of Limits of Fruitful International Monetary Co-operation in the 1980s, in : G. von Furstenberg, International Money and Credit : The Policy Roles, 1983.

60. Belgium : Politics and the Protection of Failing Companies, in : B. Hindley, State Investment Companies in Western Europe, 1983 (co-author with G. Van de Velde).

61. The Political Economy of International Lending, The Cato Journal, 1984 (co-author with M. Fratianni).

62. Comment on W. Branson, in : P. Malgrange, P.A. Muet, Contemporary Macroeconomic Modelling, 1984.

63. Comment on S. Black, in : J. Bilson, R.C. Marston, , Exchange Rates Theory and Practice, 1984.

64. Zijn de rentelasten van de overheidsschuld ondraaglijk geworden ?, Leuvense Economische Standpunten, nr. 31, 1984.

65. De devaluatie van 1982 en de Belgische export en import, Tijdschrift voor Economie en Management, 2, 1985 (co-author with M. Rosiers).

66. De politieke economie van de overheidsuitgaven, 1960-1983, Res Publica, 1985.

67. Internationale monetaire verhoudingen, concurrentie of coördinatie, De Roos Lezing 1984, Nederlands Instituut voor het Bank- en Financiewezen, 1985.

68. Exchange Rates, Money and Output, The European Experience, London, 1985 (co-author with M. Fratianni and M. Nabli).

69. Real Exchange Rate Variability from 1920 to 1926 and 1973 to 1982, Princeton Studies in International Finance, 56, 1985 (co-author with M. Janssens, H. Leliaert).

70. European Monetary Cooperation and Financial Stability, in : C. Van Ewijk, J.J. Klant, Monetary Conditions for Economic Recovery, 1985.

71. Interdependence, Macro-economic Policies and All That, The World Economy, 1985 (co-author with M. Fratianni).

72. Should the UK join the European Monetary System ?, in : Treasury and Civil Service Committee, The Financial and Economic Consequences of UK Membership of the EC, 1985.

73. De Zichtbare Hand. Het Conflict tussen Economie en Politiek, Lannoo, Tielt, 1986.

74. Het Europees Monetair Stelsel, in : W. Haack, Europese Economische Integratie, 1986.

75. Long-Run Exchange Rate Variability and International Trade, in : V. Van Rompuy, Actuele Economische Problemen. Theorie en Politiek, 1986 (co-author with B. de Bellefroid).

76. Het Europees Monetair Systeem : Een Evaluatie, Rotterdamse Monetaire Studies, 16, 1986.

77. Het Europees Monetair Systeem : Een Evaluatie, Sanwa Research Institute Corp. Tokyo, 1986.

78. Did the Exchange Rate Stability within the EMS Contribute to More Trade ?, in : H. Visser, E. Schoorl, Trade in Transit, 1986.

79. International Monetary Policy, in : The New Palgrave, A Dictionary of Economics, 1986.

80. Variabilidad de los tipos de cambio a largo plazo y comercio international, Informacion Comercial Espanola, 640, 1986 (co-author with B. de Bellefroid).

81. Long-Run Exchange Rate Variability and International Trade, in: S.W. Arndt, J.D. Richardson, RealFinancial Linkages among Open Economies, p. 193-212, 1987 (co-author with B. de Bellefroid).

82. Micro- en macro-economische effectiviteit van de Belgische prijsreglementering, Leuvense Economische Standpunten, nr. 38, 1987 (co-author with A. Fremault).

83. International Trade and Economic Growth in the European Monetary System, European Economic Review, 31, 1987.

84. Financial Deregulation in Developing Countries, Tijdschrift voor Economie en Management, 4, 1987.

85. Real Exchange Rate Variability and Monetary Disturbances, Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, B. 123 H. 3, 1987 (co-author with M. Rosiers).

86. La main visible, Duculot, 1987.

87. Exchange Rate Variability and the Slowdown in Growth of International Trade, IMF Staff Papers, 1988.

88. Kunst en High-Tech, Tijdschrift voor Economie en Management, XXXIII, 2, p. 143-151, 1988.

89. L'art et l'économie, La Revue Générale, 5, p. 45-60, 1988.

90. Exchange Rate Variability, Misalignment and the European Monetary System, in : Richard, C. Marston, Misalignment of Exchange Rates : Effects on Trade and Industry, p. 77-100, 1988 (co-author with G. Verfaille).

91. Le système Monétaire International. Problèmes et Perspectives, Cahiers Economiques de Bruxelles, 119, 1988.

92. De groei van de publieke sector in België onder centrum-rechts en centrum-linkse regeringen, 1960- 1983, Tijdschrift voor Sociologie, 9, 1-2, 1988.

93. The Long Swings in Real Exchange Rates. Do they Fit into Our Theories ?, Monetary and Economic Studies, Bank of Japan, 1988.

94. Black Monday and the Crash of Voodoo Economics, Quarterly Economic Bulletin, 1988.

95. The ECU and European Monetary Integration, MacMillan, 1989 (co-author with Theo Peeters).

96. International Money. Postwar Trends and Theories, Oxford University Press, pp. 257, 1989.

97. Nieuwe handelstheorie en industriebeleid, Economisch Statistische Berichten, 3696, p. 208-212, 1989.

98. Economic Policy and Political Democracy, European Affairs, 1, p. 66-72, 1989.

99. De Europese Monetaire Integratie : vier visies, SDU uitgeverij, 's-Gravenhage, pp. 195, 1989 (co-author with A. Knoester, A. Kolodziejak, A. Muijzers, Van Der Ploeg, C.J. Rijnvos).

100. Disinflation in the EMS and in the Non-EMS Countries. What Have We Learned ? Empirica - Austrian Economic Papers, Vol. 16, No. 2, p. 161-176, 1989.

101. The cost of Disinflation and the European Monetary System, Open Economies Review, 1, p. 147-173, 1990.

102. Het milieubeleid in Vlaanderen. Een economische visie, Leuvense Economische Standpunten, 54, 1990 (co-author with S. Proost, E. Schokkaert, D. Van Regemoorter).

103. Fiscal Policies in the EMS - A Strategic Analysis, in : E.-M. Claassens, International and European Monetary Systems, Praeger, New York, p. 121-144, 1990.

104. De vennootschap en de fiscus. Naar een nieuw belastingstelsel, Lannoo, 1990 (co-author with G. D'Alcantara).

105. Sociétés et fiscalité. Vers un nouveau régime, Duculot, 1990 (co-author with G. D'Alcantara).

106. La discipline budgétaire dans les unions monétaires, Min. de l'Econ. des Fin. et du Budget, Paris, 1990.

107. Competitiviteit. Oliecrisis en loonindexering, Leuvense Economische Standpunten, 55, 1990 (co-author with W. Vanhaverbeke).

108. The European Monetary System in the 1990's, Longman, London, 1990 (co-editor with L. Papademos).

109. The Autonomy of Economic Policy in a European Monetary Union, Internationale Spectator, p. 665-668, 1990.

110. Choosing an Exchange Rate Regime. The Chanllenge for Smaller Industrial Countries, I.M.F., Washington D.C., 1990 (co-editor with V. Argy).

111. Exchange Rate Experience of Small EMS Countries : Belgium, Denmark and the Netherlands, in : P. De Grauwe, V. Agry, Choosing an Exchange Rate Regime. The Challenge for Smaller Industrial Countries, p. 135-155, I.M.F., Washington D.C., 1990 (co-author with W. Vanhaverbeke).

112. Het milieubeleid in Vlaanderen een Economische Visie, Energie & Milieu, 1, p. 3-7, 1991.

113. The 1992 European Integration Program and Regional Development Policies, in : Jaime de Melo & Andre Sapir, Trade Theory and Economic Reform, Basil Blackwell, New York, p. 142-153, 1991.

114. The Economic Integration of Germany : Two Tales based on Trade Theory, in : W. Heisenberg, German Unification in European Perspective, CEPS and Brassey's, London, p. 189-198, 1991.

115. Het programma-akkoord in de petroleumsector. Een ondoelmatig systeem van prijzen controle, Leuvense Economische Standpunten, 59, p. 1-50, 1991 (co-author with K. Straetmans).

116. Toneel in Nederland, Economisch Statistische Berichten, 3817, p. 716-719, 1991.

117. North-South in the EMS, CEPS and Brassey's, 1991 (co-author with J.-P. Danthine, L. Katseli, N. Thygesen).

118. Speculative Dynamics and Chaos in the Foreign Exchange Market, in : Richard O'Brien, Sarah Hewin, Finance and the International Economy : 4, Oxford University Press, p. 78-103, 1991 (co-author with K. Vansanten).

119. Denkoefeningen over de regionalisering van de Belgische overheidsschuld, Leuvense Economische Standpunten, 60, p. 1-24, 1991.

120. Economia Monetaria Internazionale. Teorie e tendenze, Il Mulino, 1991.

121. Convergence and divergence in the Community's economy on the eve of Economic and Monetary Union, in : Peter Ludlow, Setting European Community Priorities, 1991-92, Brassey's, London, p. 9-37 (coauthor with D. Gros).

122. Politica Fiscal Y Union Economica Y Monetaria Europea, Organo de Coordinacion Tributaria de Euskadi, 1991, p. 55-75.

123. Is de EG klaar voor één munt ?, ESB, nr. 3837, 1991

124. Over Franse kolonisatie en Belgische verankering, Leuvense Economische Standpunten, 61, 1992, p. 1- 16.

125. German monetary unification, European Economic Review 36, pp. 445-453, North-Holland, 1992.

126. Chaos in the Dornbusch Model of the Exchange Rate, Kredit und Kapital, 25, 1992, (co-author with H. Dewachter).

127. Fiscal Discipline in Monetary Unions, International Economic Journal, Vol. 6, nr. 1, 1992.

128. Fiscal Discipline in Monetary Unions, Economia, Vol. 2, Part 1, nr. 3, 1992, pp. 2-10.

129. The Economics of Monetary Integration, Oxford University Press, 1992. 10

130. Is the European Monetary System a DM-Zone ?, in : A. Steinherr and D. Weiserbs, Evolution of the International and Regional Monetary Systems, MacMillan Press, London, 1992, pp. 207-227.

131. Psychological Barriers in the Foreign Exchange Markets, Journal of international and comparative economics, 1, 1992, pp. 87-101 (co-author with D. Decupere).

132. Wat doet de Nationale Bank met ons geld ?, Leuvense Economische Standpunten, 65, 1992, p. 1-19.

133. Inflation Convergence During the Transition to EMU, Economies et Sociétés, Série Economie monétaire, M.O., n° 9, septembre-octobre 1992, p. 13-32.

134. De desindexering van de belastingschalen : Kritiek en een alternatief voorstel, Tijdschrift voor Economie en Management, Vol. XXXVII, 4, 1992.

135. Enkele beschouwingen over ethiek en politiek, Ethische perspectieven 2, 1992, nr. 4, p. 3-6.

136. Economic Instruments in EC Environment Policy, CEPS, Working Party Report n° 8, February 1993.

137. Real Exchange Rate Variability in Monetary Unions, Recherches Economiques de Louvain, volume 59, nr. 1-2, 1993 (co-author with H. Heens).

138. De legitimering van overheidsmonopolies in het spoorwegvervoer en in de telecommunicatie. Een historische analyse, Leuvense Economische Standpunten 67, p. 1-26, 1993 (co-author with B. Van der Herten).

139. Exchange Rate Theory. Chaotic Models of Foreign Exchange Markets, Blackwell, Oxford UK, 1993 (coauthor with H. Dewachter and M. Embrechts).

140. Geldstromen en administratiekosten in de Belgische sociale Zekerheid, in : Bouwstenen voor een nieuwe sociale zekerheid (ed. R. Dillemans, Sociura-project), Universitaire Pers Leuven, Leuven, 1993, p. 315- 349 (co-author with W. Boon).

141. De prijs van het boek en de leescultuur, CES Working Paper no 12 (Algemene Reeks), 1993 (co-author with G. Gielens).

142. The Maastricht Treaty as an Obstacle to Monetary Union, CES Working Paper no. 94 (International Economics Research Papers), 1993.

143. Einde EMS, leve de EMU !, Economische Statistische Berichten nr. 3924, p. 758-759, augustus 1993.

144. EMU Or Just A Club for Germans, European Brief, vol. 1, no. 2, p. 10-11, 1993.

145. The Political Economy of Monetary Union in Europe, CEPR Discussion Paper no. 842, September 1993.

146. A Chaotic Model of the Exchange Rate: The Role of Fundamentalists and Chartists, Open Economies Review 4, p. 351-379, 1993 (co-author with Hans Dewachter).

147. A Chaotic Monetary Model of the Exchange Rate, in : H. Frisch and A. Wörgötter, Open-Economy Macroeconomics, MacMillan Press, London, pp. 353-376, 1993 (co-author with H. Dewachter).

148. Industrial Policies and Political Democracy, in : G.A. Collenteur and C.J. Jepma, Economic DecisionMaking in a Changing World, MacMillan Press, London, pp. 90-102, 1993.

149. Is Europe an Optimum Currency Area ? : Evidence from Regional Data, in : P.E. Masson and M.P. Taylor, Policy Issues in the Operation of Currency Unions, Cambridge University Press, pp. 111-129, 1993 (co-author with W. Vanhaverbeke).

150. Economia dell'integrazione monetaria, Il Mulino, Bologna, 1993.

151. The Political Economy of Monetary Union in Europe, The World Economy, vol. 16, no. 6, november 1993.

152. An Oligopoly Model of Free Banking : Theory and Tests, De Economist 141, nr. 4, 1993 (co-author with Michael R. Baye and Casper G. de Vries)

153. De sterke frank en de staatsschuld, Leuvense Economische Standpunten 73, p. 1-17, 1993.

154. How much exchange-rate flexibility is needed for Poland ?, The Leuven Institute for Central and East European Studies, Leuven, p. 5-39, 1993 (co-author with A. Kondratowicz).

155. The Future of Monetary Union in Europe, ECU n° 22, pp. 20-21, 1993/I.

156. Discussion on P. Krugman: Lessons of Massachusetts for EMU, Francisco Torres and Francesco Giavazzi (eds.), Adjustment and Growth in the European Monetary Union, pp. 266-269, CEPR, Cambridge, 1993. 157. Werktijdverkorting en tewerkstelling, Leuvense Economische Standpunten 75, p. 1-13, 1994.

158. Monetary Policies in the EMS: Lessons from the Great Recession of 1991-3, CEPR Discussion Paper no. 1047, October 1994.

159. Comment on Otmar Issing: Monetary Policy Strategy in the EMU, J.A.H. de Beaufort Wijnholds, S.C.W. Eijffinger and L.H. Hoogduin (eds.), A Framework for Monetary Stability, pp. 153-156, Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, 1994.

160. Towards EMU without the EMS, Economic Policy, Cambridge University Press, pp. 149-185, 1994.

161. Croissance et emploi : l'ambition d'une initiative européenne, Jacques H. Drèze, Edmond Malinvaud et alii, Revue de l'OFCE n° 49, France, avril 1994.

162. Teoria de la Integración Monetaria, Colegio de Economistas de Madrid, Ediciones Celeste, 1994.

163. Fiscal Federalism and Debt Management. The Case of Belgium, International Economic Research Paper 98, pp. 1-16, maart 1994.

164. Monetary Policies in the EMS. Lessons from the Great Recession of 1991-93, CEPR Discussion Paper, No. 1047, London, October 1994.

165. Exchange rates in search of fundamental variables, International Economic Research Paper 106, pp. 1- 22, october 1994.

166. The Black Hole in the Hard Core, European Brief, London, November 1994.

167. The exchange rate changes of 1992 and inflation convergence in the EMS, Alfred Steinherr (ed.), 30 Years of European Montary Integration from the Werner Plan to EMU, pp. 192-200, Longman, 1994.

168. Onze Schuld. Ontstaan en Toekomst van Werkloosheid en Staatsschuld, Lannoo, 1994.

169. The Economics of Monetary Integration, Second Revised Edition, Oxford University Press, 1994.

170. Komt er een nieuw Bretton Woods?, Economische Statistische Berichten nr. 3988, p. 1116-1117, 1994.

171. The Political Economy of Monetary Union in Europe, European Journal of Political Economy, vol. 11, 1995.

172. De EMU zonder België, Leuvense Economische Standpunten, 78, p. 1-15, januari 1995 12.

173. The Economics of Convergence Towards Monetary Union in Europe, CEPR Discussion Paper, No. 1213, London, July 1995.

174. Alternative Strategies Towards Monetary Union, European Economic Review 39, 483-491, 1995.

175. Monetary Policies in the EMS, in: Ch. Bordes, E. Girardin, J. Mélitz, European Currency Crisis and After, pp. 8-25, 1995.

176. Why Has Inflation Remained so Low After the Large Exchange Rate Depreciations of 1992?, Discussion Paper No 9501, Universita Degli Studi di Brescia, 1995.

177. The Economics of Monetary Integration, Japanse vertaling, 1995.

178. Political Economy of the Choice of Environmental Policy Instruments in the E.C., in Recent Economic and Legal Developments in European Environmental Policy, Leuven Law Series 5, Leuven Universitaire Pers, pp. 111-168, 1995.

179. Paradigms of Macroeconomic Policy for the Open Economy, International Economics Research Paper, no. 112, C.E.S., 1995.

180. Onze sociale zekerheid enerzijds, Kultuurleven, 62e jaargang, nr. 6, 1995.

181. The Economics of Convergence: Towards Monetary Union in Europe, Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, Band 132, Heft 1, 1996.

182. The Economics of Convergence: Towards Monetary Union in Europe, EUI Working Papers, no. 96/14, 1996.

183. Forward Interest Rates as Predictors of EMU, CEPR Discussion Paper, no. 1395, 1996.

184. The Road Leading To A Divided Europe, European Brief, pp. 24-25, 1996.

185. De Nederlandsche Bank, de EMU en het tekort van de overheid, ESB, nr. 4056, 81e jaargang, 1996.

186. Maquiavelo y el futuro de la Union Monetaria, Meridiano, CERI, nr. 7, 1996.

187. Monetary union and convergence economics, European Economic Review, Vol. 40, Nos 3-5, April 1996, pp. 1091-1101

188. The Dynamics of Convergence towards European Monetary Union, European Monetary Union: The Problems of the Transition to a Single Currency, Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review, March 1996, pp. 33-45.

189. Exchange Rates in Search of Fundamental Variables, in: M. Uzan (ed.) The Financial System Under Stress. An architecture for the new world economy, Routledge, London, 1996, pp. 196-213.

190. La economia de la convergencia hacia la union monetaria en Europa, in Juan R. Cuadrado Roura and Tomas Mancha Navarro (ed.) España Frente a la union economica y monetaria, Universidad de Alcala, Spain, 1996, pp. 83-115.

191. Reforming the Transition to EMU, in: P.B. Kenen (ed.), Making EMU Happen Problems and Proposals: A Symposium, Essays in International Finance, Princeton, New Jersey, no. 199, 1996, pp. 16-29.

192. Comments on Barry Eichengreen and Jürgen von Hagen, “Fiscal Policy and Monetarey Union: Federalism, Fiscal Restriction, and the No-Bailout Rule”, in H. Siebert (ed.), Monetary Policy in an Integrated World Economy, Symposium 1995, Institut für Weltwirtschaft an der Universität Kiel.

193. Inflation Targeting to Achieve Inflation Convergence in the Transition Towards EMU, CEPR Discussion Paper no 1457, September 1996.

194. The Prospects of A Mini Currency Union in 1999, CEPR Discussion Paper no 1458, September 1996.

195. How to Fix Conversion Rates at the Start of EMU, CEPR Discussion Paper no. 1530, November 1996.

196. La dynamique de la convergence vers l’UME, Reflects perspectives de la vie économique, Tome XXXV, 1996-3, pp. 323-334.

197. Perspectivas de una unión monetaria reducida en 1999, Information comercial Española. Revista de Economia, no 756, 1996, pp. 9-24.

198. International Money. Postwar Trends and Theories, Second Edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1996.

199. The Economics of Convergence Towards Monetary Union in Europe, EUI Working Papers RSC, no. 14, 1996

200. Les perspectives d’une mini-union monétaire en 1999, Centre interuniveristaire de formation permanente, 12ème Congrès des economistes belges de langue française, pp. 61-86, 1996.

201. Inflation Convergence during the Transition to EMU, in Inflation and Wage Behaviour in Europe (coauthor with S. Micossi and G. Tullio), pp. 193-108, Clarendon Press Oxford, 1996.

202. La dynamique de la convergence vers l’UME, Reflets perspectives de la vie économique, Tome XXXV, 3e trimestre 1996 - 3.

203. Making EMU Happen Problems and Proposals: A Symposium, Essays in International Finance, Princeton University, No. 199, 1996.

204. La economia de la convergencia hacio la unión monetaria en Europa, in Espana Frente a la Union Economica y Monetaria (J.R. Cuadrado Roura & T.M. Navarro (ed.), Biblioteca Civitas Economia y Empresa, Universidad de Alcala, pp. 83-115, 1996.

205. Het tewerkstellingsbeleid: selectiviteit of universaliteit? Leuvense Economische Standpunten, 84, 1996.

206. Exchange Rate Depreciations and Inflation: The Role of Inflation Equations for Seven Industrial Countries, 1966-1993, Osservatorio e centro di studi monetari, quaderni di ricerca n. 74, Università Luiss Guido Carli, Roma, 1996.

207. How to fix conversion rates at the start of EMU, European Investment Bank, Volume 1, no. 1, 1996, pp. 97-118.

208. Los pros y los contras de una Miniunion, Intermoney, XXIII Jornadas de Mercado Monetario, Granada, 1996, pp. 87-99.

209. Winstdeling als middel om de werkloosheid te bestrijden, Revue de la Banque, pp. 203-209, 1997.

210. Setting Conversion Rates for the Third Stage of EMU, CEPR Discussion Paper no. 1638, April 1997.

211. Exchange Rate Arrangements Between the ins and the outs, CEPR Discussion Paper no. 1640, May 1997.

212. Prospettive europee per il commercia e la moneta, in: P. Onofri (ed.), Lo Scenario Mondiale e Il Futuro dell’Economia Italiana, Il Mulino, Bologna, 1997, pp. 107-126.

213. Why has inflation remained so low after the large exchange rate depreciations of 1992, Journal of Common Market Studies, September, 1997.

214. How to fix conversion rates for the euro, Euromoney, August, 1997, pp. 54.

215. Problems of Transition and Initialisation of EMU, Swedish Economic Policy Review, Spring, 1997, pp. 117-154.

216. De bonnes raisons pour proclamer la victoire de la convergence, Politique Etrangère, 2: Paris, 1997, pp. 359-365.

217. Setting Conversion Rates for the Third Stage of EMU (with J. Spaventa), Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review, June, 1997, pp. 131-146.

218. The Indeterminacy of the Euro Conversion Rates. Why it Matters and how it can be solved?, CEPR Discussion Paper, no. 1677, July 1997.

219. The Economics of Monetary Integration, 3rd Edition, Oxford University Press, 1997.

220. Alternatieve financiering van de sociale zekerheid als instrument van het tewerkstellingsbeleid, in: J. Van Langendonck (ed.), Liber Amicorum Roger Dillemans, Story-Scientia, 1997.

221. Exchange Rate Arrangements Between the Ins and the Outs, in: P. Masson et al. (eds.), EMU and the International Monetary System, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C., 1997, pp. 97-118.

222. Paradigms of Macroeconomics Policy for the Open Economy, in: M. Fratianni et al., (eds.), Macroeconomic Policy in Open Economies, Handbook of Comparative Economic Policies, vol. 5, Greenwood Press, 1997.

223. The Prospects of a Mini Currency Union in 1999, in H. Siebert (ed.), Quo Vadis Europe?, Institut für Weltwirtschaft an der Universität Kiel, Tübingen: Mohr, 1997, pp. 275-297.

224. Stochastic Process Switching and Stage III of EMU, (with Hans Dewachter and Dirk Veestraeten), CEPR Discussion Paper, no. 1783, January 1998.

225. The risk of deflation in the future EMU: Lessons of the 1990s, in J. Arrowsmith, (ed.), Thinking the unthinkable about EMU, National Institute of Economic and Social Research, London, 1998.

226. The Design of the European Central Bank, Kredit und Kapital, Heft 14, 1998.

227. The Indeterminacy of the Euro Conversion Rates. Why It Matters and How It Can Be Solved, in: Helmut Wagner (ed.), Current Issues in Monetary Economics, 1998, pp. 251-272.

228. Economic Policy in Europe, Austrian Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs, Economic Policy Section, Vienna, December 1998, pp. 40-46.

229. Desempleo, Seguridad Social y gestión macroeconómica en Europa, Ekonomiaz, No. 42, III/1998, pp. 32-51.

230. The ECB: Safe at Any Speed?, (with Begg, D. Giavazzi, F., Uhlig, H., Wyplosz, C.) Monitoring the European Central Bank, no.1, CEPR, 1998.

231. La monnaie internationale. Théories et Perspectives, De Boeck Université, 1999.

232. Effectiveness of Monetary Policy in the European Central Bank and Voting Rules, with Hans Dewachter, Yunus Aksoy, Ludwig Boltzmann Institut, Forschungsbericht 9901, 1999.

233. Prépensions et chômage, Reflets & Perspectives, De Boeck Université, Tome XXXVIII, no. 1, 1999.

234. De EMU en de kost van desinflatie, in: De Euro en de toekomst van het Europese maatshcappijmodel, Intersentia, 1999, pp. 27-50.

235. EMU and the Need for Further Economic Integration (with Claudia Costa), in: W. MEEUSEN (ed.), Economic Policy in the European Union, Edward Elgar, 1999, pp. 27-48.

236. The European Central Bank: Decision Rules and Macroeconomic Performance, CEPR Discussion Paper No. 2067, 1999.

237. Price dynamics under stochastic process switching: some extensions and an application to EMU (with H. Dewachter, D. Veestraeten), Journal of International Money and Finance, 18 (1999), pp. 195-224.

238. Explaining Recent European Exchange-Rate Stability (with H. Dewachter, D. Veestraeten), International Finance, Volume 2, Issue 1, 1999, pp. 1-32.

239. Die Wirksamkeit der Geldpolitik der Europäischen Zentralbank und ihre Abstimmungsregeln (with H. Dewachter, Y. Aksoy), in: Neck/Holzmann (ed.), Schriftenreihe Des Ludwig Boltzmann-Instituts zur Analyse Wirtschaftspolitischer Aktivitäten, Band 16, Wien, 1999.

240. Challenges of European Monetary Union for Central European Countries, Chapter 1, (with Vladimir Lavrac), in: P. De Grauwe, Vladimir Lavrac (ed.), Inclusion of Central European Countries in the European Monetary Union, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999, pp. 1-12.

241. Are Central European Countries Part of the European Optimum Currency Area?, Chapter 2, (with Yunus Aksoy), in: P. De Grauwe, Vladimir Lavrac (ed.), Inclusion of Central European Countries in the European Monetary Union, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999, pp. 13-36.

242. Fiscal Consolidation in the Central European Countries and European Monetary Union, Chapter 4, (with Vladimir Lavrac), in: P. De Grauwe, Vladimir Lavrac (ed.), Inclusion of Central European Countries in the European Monetary Union, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999, pp. 53-62.

243. Economie de l’intégration monétaire, De Boeck Université, 1999.

244. Social Conflict and Growth in Euroland, (with Frauke Skudelny), CEPR Discussion Paper, No. 2186, 1999.

245. Economics of Monetary Union, 4th ed., Oxford University Press, Oxford, 243 p., 2000. This book was translated in Japanese, Italian, French, Spanish, Greek, and Polish.

246. Independence and Accountability of Central Banks, in Governance, Equity and Global Markets, Proceedings of the Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics in Europe, La Documentation Française, Paris 2000.

247. Controls on Capital Flows, Journal of Policy Modeling, 22(3):391-404, 2000.

248. The Impact of EMU on Trade Flows, (with Frauke Skudelny), Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, Band 136, Heft 3, 2000.

249. Monetary Policies in the Presence of Asymmetries, Journal of Common Market Studies, 2000

250. Exchange Rates in Search of Fundamentals, International Finance, 3, no. 3, November 2000.

251. From EMS to EMU: Are We Better Off?, (with Dewachter H. And Y. Aksoy) in Eichengreen, B. and J. Frieden, The Political Economy of European Monetary Unification, Second Edition, Westview, Boulder, 2001.

252. The Political Economy of Monetary Union, The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics, 134, Edward Elgar, 2001.

253. Increased Capital Mobility: A Challenge for National Macroeconomic Policies, (with Magdalena Polan), in H. Siebert (ed.), The World’s Landscape: Challenges for Economic Policy, Springer Verlag, 2001.

254. Exchange Rates, Prices and Money: A Long Run Perspective, (with Marianna Grimaldi), International Journal of Finance and Economics, vol 6, no. 4, October 2001.

255. The Mystery of the Decline of the Euro, (with Marianna Grimaldi), Aussenwirtschaft, 56, Heft IV, 2001, P. 459-476.

256. Do Asymmetries Matter for European Monetary Policy, (with Yunus Aksoy and Hans Dewachter), European Economic Review, February 2002.

257. Exchange rate regimes and financial vulnerability, (with Marianna Grimaldi), in Papers of the European Investment Bank, vol 7, no. 2, 2002.

258. Surviving the Slowdown, (with D. Begg, F. Canova, A. Fatas, Ph. Lane), Monitoring the European Central Bank, no. 4, CEPR, London, 2002.

259. Inflation and Productivity Differentials in EMU, (with Frauke Skudelny), in Hairault, J, and Kempf, H., (eds.), Market Imperfections and Macroeconomic Dynamics, Kluwer, 2002.

260. Central Banking as Art or Science: Lessons from the FED and the ECB, in International Finance, 5:1, 2002.

261. Challenges for Monetary Policy in Euroland, Journal of Common Market Studies, 40, no.4, November 2002.

262. Monetary Policy in a Cashless Society, (with Cláudia Costa Storti), in Balling, M., Lierman, F., Mullineux, A., (eds.), Technology and Finance, Challenges for Financial Markets, business strategies and policy makers, Routledge, London and New York, 2003.

263. La Mondialisation Met-Elle En Péril La Sécurité Sociale?, Problèmes Economiques La documentation française 2.801, 2003.

264. Are Multinationals Really Bigger Than Nations?, World Economics 4 (2), p. 23-37, 2003.

265. Economics of Monetary Union, Oxford University Press, 5th edition, 2003. Various editions were translated in Spanish, Italian, French, Greek, Polish, Japanese and Chinese.

266. Asymmetries in Monetary Policy Transmission: Some Implications for EMU and its Enlargement, (with Marc-Alexandre Sénégas), in Journal of Common Market Studies, 42, 4, November 2004.

267. Electronic Money and the Optimal Size of Monetary Unions, (with Cláudia Costa Storti), in V. Alexander, J. Mélitz, and G. von Furstenberg, (eds.), Monetary Unions and Hard Pegs, CEPR and Oxford University Press, 2004.

268. Endogeneities of Optimum Currency Areas, (with Francesco Mongelli), in Sørensen, P. (ed.), Monetary Union in Europe. Essays in Honour of Niels Thygesen, DJØF Publishing, Copenhagen, 2004.

269. EMU Entry Strategies or the New Member States, Intereconomics, vol. 39, nO; 5, September/October 2004.

270. Heterogeneity of agents, transaction costs and the exchange rate, (with Marianna Grimaldi), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 29, 691-719, 2005.

271. Effects of Monetary Policy: A Meta-Analysis, (with Cláudia Costa Storti), in V. Deville, J. von Landsberger, M. Müller, F. Schobert, and A. Worms, (eds.), Issues on Monetary Theory and Policy, Proceedings of a Colloquium in Honour of Wolfgang Gebauer, Bankakademie Verlag, 2005.

272. Exchange Rate Economics. Where Do We Stand?, CESifo Seminar Series, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. 2005.

273. Globalization and Social Spending. A Race to the Bottom?, (with Magdalena Polan), Pacific Economic Review, , vol. 10, no. 1, February 2005.

274. Economics of Monetary Union, 6th Edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2005.

275. Economics of Monetary Union, Chinese translation, China Financial and Economic Publishing House, 2004.

276. Prospects for Monetary Unions, (with Jacques Mélitz), CESifo Seminar Series, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. 2005.

277. The Exchange Rate and its Fundamentals in a Complex World, (with Marianna Grimaldi) Review of International Economics, Vol 13(3), August 2005.

278. Is Inflation Always and Everywhere a Monetary Phenomenon (with Magdalena Polan), Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 2005.

279. Exchange Rate Puzzles. A Tale of Switching Attractors, (with Marianna Grimaldi), European Economic Review, 2006.

280. The Exchange Rate in Behavioral Finance Framework, (with Marianna Grimaldi), Princeton University Press, 2006.

281. Flaws in the Design of the Eurosystem?, International Finance, vol. 9, no. 1, Spring 2006.

282. What Have we Learnt about Monetary Integration since the Maastricht Treaty, Journal of Common Market Studies, 2006, Volume 44. Number 4. pp. 711–30.

283. Monetary policy design and transmission asymmetry in EMU: Does uncertainty matter? (with MarcAlexandre Sénégas), in European Journal of Political Economy, 22, December, 2006, 787-808.

284. Monetary and Economic Integration in the East Asian Region, The World Economy, 29, no. 12, December 2006.

285. Enlargement of the Euro Area, CESifo Forum, 4, 2006.

286. Exchange Rates and Fundamentals: A Non-Linear Relationship?, (with Isabel Vansteenkiste), International Journal of Finance and Economics, 12: 37-54, 2007.

287. Economics of Monetary Union, 7th Edition, Oxford University Press, 281pp.

288. Preconditions for a successful euro adoption, in Basci, Togan and Von Hagen, (eds.), Macroeconomic Policies for EU Accession, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2007.

289. The Challenge of Enlargement, SUERF Annual Lecture 2007, The European Money and Finance Forum, Vienna, 2007.

290. De Onvoltooide Globalisering, Verkenning van een nieuwe wereld, Lannoo en Nieuw Amsterdam, 2007, 238 pp. 17.

291. Quo Vadis Europe? Fortress or Land of Opportunities, Quarterly Economic Bulletin, 21-36, August 2007.

292. Monetäre Politik und reale Ökonomie, (with Cláudia Costa Storti), in Schettkat, R., and Langkau, J. (Hg.), Aufschwung für Deutschland, Dietz, Bonn, 2007.

293. Forecasting and combining competing models of exchange rate determination, (with Carlo Altavilla), Applied Economics, pp 1-26, 2008.

294. Exchange Rate Dynamics in a Target Zone - A Heterogeneous Expectations approach, (with Bauer and Stefan Reitz), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2008.

295. The impact of FX Central Bank Intervention in a Noise Trading Framework, (with Michel Beine), Journal of Banking and Finance, 2008.

296. The Euro at ten: achievements and challenges, Empirica (2008).

297. Exchange rate stability, inflation, and growth in (south) Eastern and Central Europe, (with Gunther Schnabl), Review of Development Economics, 12(3), pp 530-549, 2008.

298. Globalization and the Price Decline of Illicit Drugs, (with Cláudia Costa Storti), International Journal of Drug Policy. Volume 20, Issue 1, Pages 48-61, 2008.

299. The Risks of being Chairman in the Age of Turbulence, International Finance, 11:1, pp 109-115, 2008.

300. Should Central Banks Target Stock Prices, Intereconomics, vol 43, no. 5, pp. 256-259, 2008.

301. There is more to central banking than inflation targeting, in Felton and Reinhart (eds.), The First Global Financial Crisis of the 21st Century, CEPR and VoxEU. 2008.

302. Returning to Narrow Banking , in 'What G20 leaders must do to stabilise our economy and fix the financial system', Edited by Barry Eichengreen and Richard Baldwin, A Publication, 2008.

303. Monetary Policy and the Real Economy, (with Cláudia Costa Storti), in Schettkat and Langkau, Economic Policy Proposals for Germany and Europe, Routledge, London-New York, 2008.

304. On the need to renovate the Eurozone, Book review of "The Birth of the Euro" by Ottmar Issing (Cambridge University Press), International Finance, 11(3),pp.327-333

305. Gains for All: A Proposal for a Common Euro Bond, Intereconomics, (with Wim Moesen) May/June 2009.

306. Economics of Monetary Union, Oxford University Press, 8th Edition, Oxford, 2009.

307. The impact of FX central bank intervention in a noise trading framework, (with Michel Beine and Marianna Grimaldi), Journal of Banking and Finance, 33, pp 1187-1195, 2009.

308. The cocaine and heroin markets in the era of globalisation and drug reduction policies, (with Cláudia Costa Storti), International Journal of Drug Policy, 20, pp 488-496, 2009.

309. Exchange rate dynamics in a target zone - A heterogeneous expectations approach, (with Christian Bauer and Stefan Reitz), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 33(2), p.329- 344, 2009.

310. Lessons from the Banking Crisis: a Return to Narrow Banking, Journal for Insitutional Comparisons, 7(2), 2009.

311. The Macroeconomy, (with Seppo Honkapohja), in Vital Questions, the Contribution of European Social Science, European Science Foundation, 2009.

312. The Euro at ten: achievements and challenges, in: Empirica, 36 (1), 5-20: G. Fischer, 2009.

313. The Fragility of the Eurozone’s Institutions, Open Economies Review, 2009.

314. Non-Linearities in the Relation Between the Exchange Rate and the Fundamentals, (with Carlo Altavilla), International Journal of Finance and Economics, 15, 1-21, 2010.

315. Dimensions of Competitiveness, CESifo Seminar Series, MIT Press, 2010.

316. Forecasting and combining competing models of exchange rate determination, (with Carlo Altavilla), Applied Economics, 42, 3455-3480, 2010.

317. Forecasting and combining competing models of exchange rate determination, (with Carlo Altavilla), Applied Economics, 42, 3455-3480, 2010.

318. A mechanism of self-destruction of the eurozone, CEPS commentary, November, 2010.

319. Not only governments are to blame for exploding government debts, Eurointelligence, November, 2010.

320. What kind of governance for the eurozone?, CEPS Policy Briefs, September, 2010.

321. How to embed the Eurozone in a political union, VoxEU, June, 2010.

322. Fighting the wrong enemy, VoxEU, 19 May, 2010.

323. Top-Down versus Bottom-Up Macroeconomics, CESifo Economic Studies, Vol 56, no. 4, December, 2010.

324. Quelle Gouvernance pour la Zone Euro?, Revue d’Economie Financière, Décembre, 2010.

325. The Banking Crisis: Causes, Consequences and Remedies, in Talani, L., (ed.), (2011), The Global Crash. Towards a New Global Financial Regime, Palgrave, MacMillan, London.

326. The Governance of a Fragile Eurozone, CEPS Working Documents, Economic Policy, May 2011.

327. Animal Spirits and Monetary Policy, Economic Theory: Volume 47, Issue 2 (2011), Page 423- 42.

328. European Monetary Union, The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2011, Online edition.

329. Economic recession, drug use and public health (with Cláudia Costa Storti and Peter Reuter, International Journal of Drug Policy, Volume 22, Issue 5, September 2011, Pages 321-325.

330. Mispricing of sovereign debt and multiple equilibria in the Eurozone, (2012) (with Yuemei Ji), CEPS Working Document.

331. Lessons from the Eurocrisis for East Asian Monetary Relations, (2012), The World Economy.

332. Barry Eichengreen's Exorbitant Privilege: A Review Essay, 2012, International Finance, 14(3), 567–571.

333. Unemployment and drug treatment, (with Cláudia Costa Storti, Anna Sabadash and Linda Montanari), (2012): International Journal of Drug Policy, 22, 366– 373

334. Booms and busts in economic activity: A behavioral explanation, (2012), Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, vol. 83, Issue 3, 484-501.

345. African trade dynamics: is China a different trading partner?, (with Romain Houssa and Giulia Piccillo), (2012) : Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, 10(1), 15-45 19.

346. Animal spirits in the foreign exchange market, (with Pablo Rovira Kaltwasser), (2012), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. 36 (8), August, 1176-1192.

347. Learning to forecast the exchange rate: Two competing approaches, (with Agnieszka Markiewicz), (2012), Journal of International Money and Finance. In press.

348. Economics of Monetary Union, Oxford University Press, 9th Edition, Oxford, 2012, 269pp.

349. The European Central Bank: Lender of Last Resort in the Government Bond Markets?, in Allen, F., Carletti, E., Simonelli, S., Governance of the Eurozone: Integration or Disintegration, Wharton Financial Institutions Center, FIC Press, 2012, pp. 17-28.

350. Financial Market Regulation in Europe, (with Frank Westermann), in Buettner, Th., and Ochel, W., The Continuing Evolution of Europe, CESifo Seminar Series, MIT Press, 2012, pp. 9-32.

351. What Kind of Governance for the Eurozone?, in Meeusen, W., The Economic Crisis and European Integration, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2012, pp. 7-16.

352. The Exchange Rate in a Behavioral Finance Framework, (with Pablo Rovira Kaltwasser), in James, J., Marsh, I., Sarno, L., Handbook of Exchange Rates, Wiley, Hoboken New Jersey, 2012, pp. 111-132.

353. Illicit Trade and the Global Economy, (with Claudia Costa Storti), 2012, CESifo Seminar Series, MIT Press, 266pp.

354. Managing the fragility of the Eurozone, Australian Economic Review, 2012, vol. 45, no. 3, pp. 255–68.

355. Mispricing of Sovereign Risk and Macroeconomic Stability in the Eurozone, (with Yuemei Ji), 2012, Journal of Common Market Studies, 50:86, 866-880.

356. Lectures on Behavioral Macroeconomics, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 136pp., 2012.

357. Economic and Monetary Union in Europe, (with Yuemei Ji), 2012, in Bergsten, F., and Henning, R., Global Economics in Extraordinary Times: Essays in Honor of John Williamson, Peterson Institute of International Economics, Washington, D.C.

358. The political economy of the Euro. Annual review of political science, 2013, 16 (1). pp. 153-170. ISSN 1094-2939.

359. Central Bank Communication When Agents Experience Cognitive Limitations, 2013, in Siklos, P., and Sturm, J.-E., Central Bank Communication, Decision Making, and Governance, CESifo Seminar Series, MIT Press.

360. Fiscal Implications of the ECB’s Bond Buying Program, (with Yuemei Ji), Open Economies Review, 2013, 24:843–852.

361. From Panic-Driven Austerity to Symmetric Macroeconomic Policies in the Eurozone, (with Yuemei Ji), Journal of Common Market Studies, Volume 51, Issue Supplement S1, pages 31– 41, September 2013.

362. Strong Governments, Weak Banks, (with Yuemei Ji), CEPS Policy Review, November 2013.

363. Are Germans really poorer than Spaniards, Italians and Greeks, (with Yuemei Ji), VoxEU, April 2013.

364. Self-fulfilling Crises in the Eurozone: An Empirical Test, (with Yuemei Ji), (2013), Journal of International Money and Finance, Volume 34, April, Pages 15–36.

365. How much Fiscal Discipline in a Monetary Union, Journal of Macroeconomics, (with Yuemei Ji), vol. 39, part B, March 2014.

366. The Future of the Eurozone, (with Yuemei Ji), The Manchester School 15–34 Supplement 2014.

367. Economic theories that influenced the judges of Karlsruhe, VoxEU, March 2014.

368. Revisiting the Pain in Spain, VoxEU, July 2014.

369. The Economics of Monetary Union, Oxford University Press, 2014, 10th Edition, Oxford, United Kingdom.

370. Exchange Rates and Global Financial Policies, World Scientific Studies in International Economics, 2014.

371. The Future of the Eurozone, (with Yumei Ji), The Manchester School, Volume 82, pages 15–34, September 2014.

372. Quantitative easing in the Eurozone. It’s possible without fiscal transfers, (with Yuemei Ji), VoxEU, January 2015

373. Secular Stagnation in the Eurozone, VoxEU, January 2015.

374. Has the Eurozone become less fragile? Some empirical tests, (with Yuemei Ji), Journal of Policy Modeling, 2015.

375. Animal Spirits and the Credit Cycle, (with Corrado Macchiarelli), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2015.

376. Greece is solvent but illiquid: Policy Implications, (2015), VoxEU.

377. The fragility of two monetary regimes: The European Monetary System and the Eurozone, (with Yuemei Ji), International Journal of Finance & Economics, Volume 20, Issue 1, pages 1– 15, January 2015

378. Correcting for the Eurozone Design Failures: The Role of the ECB, (with Yuemei Ji), Journal of European Integration, 2015.

379. Why the ECB should not insist on repayment of its Greek bonds, (with Yuemei Ji), July 2015.

380. Design failures of the Eurozone, in Baldwin, R., and Giavazzi, F., Rebooting the Eurozone, CEPR, London, 2015.

381. Design Failures in the Eurozone. Can they be fixed, in Badinger, H., and Nitsch, V., Handbook of the Economics of European Integration, Routledge, London, 2015.

382. European Monetary Unification. A Few Lessons for East Asia, Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 2016, Vol. 63, No. 1, February 21.

383. The Rise of China and Regional Integration in East Asia, (with Zhaoyong Zhang), Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 2016, Vol. 63, No. 1, February.

384. The Legacy of the Eurozone Crisis and How to Overcome It, Journal of Empirical Finance, 2016.

385. How to reboot the Eurozone and ensure its long-term survival, (with Yuemei Ji), in Baldwin, R., and Giavazzi, F., (2016), How to fix the Eurozone: Views of leading economists, VoxEU.

386. The Economics of Monetary Union, Oxford University Press, 2016, 11th Edition, Oxford, United Kingdom.

387. Fiscal rules, financial stability and optimal currency areas, (with Pasquale Foresti), Economics Letters, 2016, 145 (2016) 278–28.

388. How to prevent Brexit from damaging the European Union in Baldwin, R., Brexit Beckons: Thinking ahead by leading economists, VoxEU, August 2016.

389.Crisis Management and Economic Growth in the Eurozone, (2016), (with Yuemei Ji), in Caselli, F., Centeno, M., Tavares, J., After the Crisis: Reform, Recovery and Growth in Europe , Oxford University Press, Oxford.

390. Flexibility versus Stability: A Difficult Tradeoff in the Eurozone, in Credit and Capital Markets, (2016), (with Yuemei Ji), 49/3.

391. The Limits of the Market, Oxford University Press, 2017, Oxford, United Kingdom.

392. "The international synchronisation of business cycles: the role of animal spirits." (with Yuemei Ji), Open Economies Review (2017): 1-30.

393. Inflation Targets and the Zero Lower Bound in a Behavioral Macroeconomic Model, (with Yuemei Ji), Economica, 2017.

394. Toward a Behavioral Theory of the Exchange Rate, in, Cheung, Y.-W., and Westermann, F., International Currency Exposure, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 2017

395. The EU debt crisis: testing and revisiting conventional legal doctrine. (Ji, Yuemei and Steinbach, Armin) International Review of Law and Economics, 51. pp. 29-37, 2017

396. Booms, Busts and the Governance of the Eurozone, (with Yuemei Ji), in Vandenbroucke, F., Barnard, C., and De Baere, G., (2017), A European Social Union after the Crisis, Cambridge University Press, 160-191.

397. The role of cognitive limitations and heterogeneous expectations for aggregate production and credit cycle, (with Eddie Gerba), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2018

398. Behavioral economics is useful also in macroeconomics: the role of animal spirits, (with Yuemei Ji), Comparative Economic Studies, 2018

399. Financial engineering will not stabilise an unstable euro area, (with Yuemei Ji), VoxEU, 2018,

400. The Economics of Monetary Union, 12 th Edition, Oxford University Press, 2018

401. I Limiti del Mercato, Il Mulino, 2018, (Italian translation of The Limits of the Market, Oxford University Press, 2017).

402. The Political Economy of Structural Reforms in Europe, (with Nauro Campos and Yuemei Ji), editors, Oxford University Press, 2018

403. Structural Reforms, Growth and Inequality: An Overview of Theory, Measurement and Evidence, in Campos, N., De Grauwe, P., and Ji, Y., (2018), The Political Economy of Structural Reforms in Europe, Oxford University Press.

404. Core-Periphery Relations in the Eurozone, (with Yuemei Ji), The Economist’s Voice, pp. 1-15, 2018

405. Green Money without Inflation, Social Europe, March, 2019,

406. De Grauwe P., and Ji Y. (2019) Making the Eurozone Sustainable by Financial Engineering or Political Union?, Journal of Common Market Studies.

407. Saka, O., Campos, N., De Grauwe, P., Ji, Y., Martelli, A., (2019), Financial crises and the dynamics of financial de-liberalization, VoxEU.

408. De Grauwe P., and Ji Y. (2019), Behavioral Macroeconomics. Theory and Policy, Oxford University Press.

409. De Grauwe, P., and Ji, Y., (2019) Time to Change Budgetary Priorities in the Eurozone, Intereconomics, Leibniz Information Centre of Economics

410. De Grauwe, P. and Ji, Y., (2020), Structural Reforms, Animal Spirits and Monetary Policies, European Economic Review.

411. De Grauwe, P. and Foresti, P., (2020), Animal Spirits and Fiscal Policy, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 171, 247–263.

412. Campos, N., P. De Grauwe, & Y. Ji , (2020), (Eds.), Economic Growth and Structural Reforms in Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

413. The Economics of Monetary Union, 13 th Edition, Oxford University Press, 2020

414. Politics and Economics of Global Currencies, SUERF Policy Briefs, April 2020

415. De Grauwe, Paul (2020) The need for monetary financing of corona budget deficits. Intereconomics, 55 (3). pp. 133-134.

416. De Grauwe, P. and Diessner, S., (2020), What price to pay for monetary financing of budget deficits in the euro area, VoxEU, June.

417. De Grauwe, P., and Ji, Y., (2020), A Tale of Three Depressions, VoxEU, September

418. Saka, O., Ji, Y., De Grauwe, P., (2020), Financial Policymaking after Crises: Public versus Private Interests, VoxEU

419. De Grauwe, P., (2020), De limieten van de markt. De slinger tussen overheid en kapitalisme, niuewe editie na Corona, Lannoo.

420. Costa Storti C, Bretteville-Jensen A, L, De Grauwe P, Moeller K, Mounteney J, Stevens A: The Double Effect of COVID-19 Confinement Measures and Economic Recession on High-Risk Drug Users and Drug Services. European Addiction Research, 2021.

421. De Grauwe, P., and Ji, Y., (2021), Toward a sustainable Eurozone, in Pereira, L, Mata, M., de Sousa, M., (eds.), Economic Globalization and Governance. Essays in honor of Jorge Braga de Macedo, Springer Verlag

422. De Grauwe, P. and Ji, Y., (2021), The quest to stabilize an unstable system by financial engineering, Journal of Common Market Studies,

423. De Grauwe, P., (2021), Debt cancellation by the ECB: does it make a difference?, SUERF Policy Brief, no. 55.

424. De Grauwe, P., Inflation risks?, (2021), Intereconomics.

425. De Grauwe, P., and Ji, Y., (2021), The Fragility of the Eurozone. Has it Disappeared? Journal of International Money and Finance,

Editorial Positions

Member of the Editorial Board, Open Economies Review

Member of the Editorial Board, Empirica

Member of the Editorial Board, The World Economy

Member of the Editorial Board, International Journal of Finance and Economics

Member of the Editorial Board, Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv

Member of the Editorial Board, International Finance

Member of the Editorial Board, Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics

Member of the Editorial Board, German Economic Review

Member of the Editorial Board, Comparative Economic Studies


Jan. 1969-March 1969, Trainee, European Economic Community

Oct. 1969-Aug. 1970 Research-Assistant, Center for Economic Studies, Catholic University of Leuven

Oct. 1973-Sept. 1974 Economist, International Monetary Fund.

March 1978-Sept. 1978 Maître de Conférence, Université de Paris IX-Dauphine.

Oct. 1979-Sept. 1980 Charge de Cours invité, Université Catholique de Louvain.

1975-1980 Research Director, Centrum voor Economische Studiën.

Jan. 1981-May 1981 Visiting Associate Professor, University of Michigan.

1982 Professeur Visiteur, Université Libre de Bruxelles

1982 Visiting Professor, Tilburg University.

1974-1982 Associate Professor, Katholieke Universiteit te Leuven.

1974-2011 Professor, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.

1983 Visiting Professor, Wharton School - University of Pennsylvania.

1984-1986 Professor, College of Europe.

1986 Visiting Professor, Institut für Weltwirtschaft, University of Kiel.

1986 Visiting Scholar, International Monetary Fund.

1987 Visiting Scholar, Bank of Japan.

1988 Visiting Professor, Chaire Francqui, Université Libre de Bruxelles.

1988-1991 Visiting Professor, Institut für Weltwirtschaft.

1994, 1996, 1998, 2004 University of Kiel

1988-1991 Senior Research Fellow, Centre for European Policy Studies.

1990-1998 Visiting Professor, University of Saarbrücken.

1991-1992 Visiting Professor, Francqui Leerstoel, Rijksuniversiteit Gent.

1991-1995 Senator, Belgian Parliament.

1994-1998 Visiting Professor, Universidade Católica Portuguesa.

1994-1995 Professor, Freie Universität Berlin, Bundesbank Lehrstuhl

1995-1999 Member of the House, Belgian Parliament.

1997 Visiting Scholar, Board of Governors of the Federal, Reserve System, Washington

1997-1998, Visiting Professor, University of Amsterdam.

1999-2000 Visiting Professor, Humboldt Universität Berlin.

1999-2001 Professor, Norwegian School of Management.

1999-2003 Belgian Parliament Senator and Chairman of the Economic and Finance Committee

2000-2005 Visiting Professor, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Milano.

2000-2005 Visiting Professor, University of Amsterdam.

2000 Chairman of Task Force preparing Belgian profit sharing legislation

2000 Chairman of Task Force preparing Belgian Corporate Governance legislation

2002-2016 Research Area Director, CESifo Munchen.

2003 Schumann Fellow, European University Institute.

2005-10 Member of the Group of Economic Policy Analysis advising the European Commission President Barroso

2007 Wim Duisenberg Fellow, European Central Bank.

2016 - Present London School of Economics Professor John Paulson Chair in European Political Economy.

2017 - Present Vice-President, Portuguese Public Finance Council

2018 - Visiting Professor, Corvinus University

2018 - Visiting Professor, University Magdeburg

2021 - Present Academic Visitor, Bank of England


N.F.W.O. Aspirant 1970-1972 (Belgian National Science Foundation)

Fulbright Travel Grant, 1970

Honorary Woodrow Wilson Fellow, 1972

Brookings Research Fellow, 1972-1973

Prize of the European Communities, 1976

Amex Bank Review Award, 1990

Doctor “Honoris Causa” of the University of Sankt Gallen, 1999

Doctor “Honoris Causa” of the Turku School of Economics and Business Administration, 2000

Doctor “Honoris Causa” of the University of Genoa, 2005

Doctor “Honoris Causa” of the University of Valencia, 2012

Doctor “Honoris Causa” of the Maastricht University, 2016

Prix Emile de Laveleye, Académie Royale de Belgique, 2017